enrolling for 2025 kinder
NBK is now fully enrolled for 2025. You can still add your child to a waitlist through the Bayside Council Central enrolment system.
enrolling for 2026
What to expect
North Brighton Kindergarten participates in the Bayside Council Central enrolment system for both 3-year-old and 4-year-old enrolments.
Kinder tours dates: 9am - Friday. These will begin once a month following our Open Day on Sat 29th March, 10am - 12pm.
email nbkenrolments@gmail.com to register to attend a tour. We are unable to hold individual tours.
May 1 - june 27
1.Registration opens. Register for kindergarten.
Families complete a kindergarten registration online with Bayside City Council. Read How to Register below.
july 1 - July 25
2. Wait for council to process the registrations received.
July - August
3. Receive an offer via the council and finalise the enrolment with the kindergarten.
Council staff issue offers to families via email between 9 am and 10 am on the following dates. Always check your spam and junk mail!
Round 1: 28 July
Round 2: 11 August
Round 3: 25 August
Late registration
You can register at any time, even after the closing date, to be considered in the subsequent rounds of offers. Any late ernolemtnes will not be included in 1st round offers.
Any registrations received after the 30th June will not be allocated placement until the end of the third round.
Priority of Access Guidelines and local priority criteria will continue to determine all allocations, please address any issues to Bayside City Council.
How to register
Register via https://www.bayside.vic.gov.au/services/children-and-family/register-kindergarten from 1st of May in the year before your child starts kindergarten. 3-year-old families already enrolled at North Brighton Kindergarten still need to register with Bayside City Council for 4-year-old kindergarten, but will recieve a unique code on 30th April.
Information about the Bayside Council Central Enrolment Process and read the information on eligibility and when should your child start kindergarten below.
Out of the official enrolment period, you are still required to register for enrolments through the Bayside City Council. Contact our Enrolments Officer (nbkenrolments@gmail.com).
Link to the Bayside City Council Central Registration Policy
Check your child’s eligibility
Before starting enrolment, please check that your child meets the age requirements:
4-year-old children – Your child must turn 4 before 30th April
3-year-old children – Your child must turn 3 before 30th April*
*Your child must have turned 3 before they can commence in the 3-year-old kindergarten program. They can attend the session following their third birthday.
Please read this information about Kindergarten readiness if you are unsure about when it might be best for your child to start their kindergarten journey.
Read further below in relation to eligibility for extra years of funded kindergarten.
No Jab, No Play
As of 2018 No Jab No Play laws require that all children attending pre-school must be immunised. North Brighton Kindergarten cannot confirm enrolment for your child unless they are:
– up to date with vaccinations for their age, or
– on a vaccine catch-up schedule, or
– have a medical condition preventing them from being fully immunised.
Bayside City Council are continuing to hold their immunisation sessions.
When should my child start kinder?
Families of children with birth dates between 1 January and 30 April have a choice about whether their child will commence school in the year they turn five, or the following year, and therefore whether they commence three-year-old kindergarten in the year they turn three or the year they turn four. All children learn and develop in different ways.
The Victorian Government provides one funded year of four-year-old preschool for each child. Therefore, it is important that you give this your very careful consideration if you have a child whose birthday is early in the year.
In our teaching experience, a high percentage of children with birthdays between January and April (who are turning four in the year that they attend four-year-old kindergarten) will find it more difficult to cope with the kindergarten program. It is a good idea to start thinking about your child’s readiness for kindergarten well before they begin the year.
A funded second year of kindergarten will be available for children in the three-year-old and four-year-old program who meet the following criteria. Children in either the the three or four-year-old Kindergarten program who have developmental delays in two or more key areas of development and would benefit from a second year of kindergarten will be eligible to access a second year of funded kindergarten following an assessment by an early childhood teacher, giveing them three years of funded kindergarten. Conversations will begin as early in the year as possible.
Read the kinder readiness information to help you make an informed choice.
For help with enrolments, please contact our Enrolments Officer nbkenrolments@gmail.com