Belonging, Being and Becoming
Kindergarten is a very special time in a family’s life, both for the children and parents. Belonging, Being and Becoming are three interwoven concepts encompasses in our program with our philosophy and elements of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
Play-based learning is how young children learn best. It helps them to build important skills such as language, maths and science concepts, how to manage their emotions and get along with others. Children also develop their imagination, curiosity and a love of learning when learning through play.
In our kindergarten program, a qualified teacher and co-educator support children by offering them a range of learning experiences and activities that are both stimulating and fun. Your child’s learning and curiosity will be encouraged through experiences and activities, such as exploring the natural world, being exposed to new ideas and solving problems.
Excursions and incursions
We take pride in nurturing this connection through our specifically designed excursions and incursions.
Tailored Learning for Every Child
Each excursion and incursion is meticulously planned to complement and extend our educational program. These experiences evolve annually, adapting to the evolving interests and needs of the children.
Excursions: Exploring Nature's Wonders
Our recent excursions have included visits to Cranbourne Gardens and the Royal Botanic Gardens. We've also embarked on walking excursions to local primary schools and Elsternwick Park. These outings encourage a profound appreciation for the natural world and local communities.
Incursions: A World of Learning at Our Doorstep
Our recent incursions have featured indigenous educators, maternal health nurses, dog safety experts, and Australian wildlife lectures. These captivating sessions have included live reptiles, bugs, and frogs, providing an interactive learning experience. We also extend a warm invitation to parents to share their unique interests, skills, hobbies, or professions, enhancing the children's learning through firsthand experiences.
For help with enrolments, please contact Millie Skelley, Enrolments Officer