Frequently Asked Questions
Kinder tours dates: Friday 31 May, 9am - Friday 28 June, 9am - Friday 26 July, 9am - Friday 30 August, 9am - Friday 20 September, 9am
email to register to attend a tour. We are unable to hold individual tours.
Our enrolments office is a volunteer and has other work committments.
Bayside City Council determines any zoning requirements and priority will be given to children residing within a 2km radius zone of the kindergarten. Each year is different, but children from St Kilda, East Brighton, Hampton, Elsternwick and Caulfield have all attended NBK in the past
Yes! You can purchase hats, t-shirts (long and short sleeved) and sweatshirts in an assortment of colours. Visit eduThreads, type in North Brighton Kindergarten and make your selection. Your order will be posted within 24 hours at a cost of $4.95. The kinder receives 10% of every order.
Please wait until final round offers have gone out (mid-September). If your child has missed out on a place, their name is added to a waiting list managed by Bayside City Council. If a place becomes available during the year you will be contacted.
Most NBK children move to Elsternwick Primary School and St. James Catholic Primary School, as well as other local private schools. We have a particularly great relationship with St James and Elsternwick, and take the children on excursions and transition visits close to the end of the year.
Yes, however, these younger children are your responsibility so please keep an eye on them. Occasionally, it might be nice for the older kinder child to have your undivided attention if it is possible to leave the younger sibling with a friend or relative.
We also welcome grandparents, uncles, aunties or friends to perform duty, not only the primary carers. All non parents and guardians attending duty must have provided a Victorian Government Working With Children’s check to the kinder prior to attending duty.
Parents and Guardians do not require a WWCC to do duty in their children’s group. But if you would like to join us on an excursion (visit the St. Stephen’s Community Garden, St James PS, Elsternwick PS, explore the local community, Elsternwick Park) we do require you to have a WWCC. These are free for volunteers and we highly recommend that you apply for one, because you will require one to volunteer at your children’s primary school.
All other kinship carers, family members, nanny’s, and friends who may like to join us for duty, we would love to have you join us. But we must have a WWCC before you can attend a session.
Apply for a Working With Children’s Check
We have reciprocal visits with local primary schools including St. James and Elsternwick Primary, as the importance of the transition to school is widely acknowledged in national and international research. Children are best able to develop a positive attitude to starting school when they have opportunities to see the classrooms, talk about what it will be like, and are given realistic information about school experiences and expectations. Providing children with opportunities to visit a school setting with educators they already trust, peers and parent helpers is one way we support children’s positive transition to school.
We encourage friendly, open and cooperative relationships between parents and teaching staff, and are guided by our Communication Policy.
There are many ways that communication occurs at kinder including:
Parents’ Handbook provided at the start of each year
Notice boards at the kinder
Class parent representatives who liaise between parents, staff and Committee of Management
Annual survey
A regular newsletter that details committee activity, teacher’s reports and up to date information about what is happening at the kinder. This newsletter is sent to all families by email and printed copies are available upon request
Regular informal communication with your child’s teacher and teaching assistant
The planned educational program is displayed in the foyer
Parent/teacher interviews are held around the middle of the year.
Emails from your class teacher
Forms and broadcasts using EdSmart, an email communication tool. You are not required to have an app for this.
At your child’s orientation session the teacher will discuss how they will keep you informed through discussions and updates. If you have any concerns about your child at kinder please arrange a time to speak with your child’s teacher.
North Brighton Kindergarten has a range of health policies including:
Administration of First Aid
Administration of Medication
Dealing with Infectious Diseases
Dealing with Medical Conditions
Please review the policy section of the website, or the orange policy file in the entrance to the kinder.
When North Brighton Kindergarten has children attending with anaphylaxis or other allergies this is communicated via signs at the kinder and with emails.
We can support you if your child requires medication during the day, please speak with the staff. We have stringent procedures that are followed.
The Committee of Management and teachers are committed to maintaining the privacy of any confidential information given to the Kindergarten, and we also ask that you also respect the privacy of other families.
Your consent will be requested to disclose certain information, such as birthdays, any allergies and to participate in photographs etc. Any records regarding your child, such as teacher observations and planning, may be inspected by you at any time.
Yes, the beginning of the year has an orientation day, followed by a transition timetable. This is to ensure our teachers and families have a good opportunity to get to know each other and begin to develop a good working arrangement. It also helps the children to get to know their new environment in smaller groups where it is easier for them to meet and establish relationships with other children.
The normal timetable begin in week three of term one.