Why choose north brighton kindergarten?

North Brighton Kindergarten child in pink hat surrounded by trees

My daughter has grown in confidence over the 2 years.

We are always amazed with the life skills she demonstrates at home, and the facts she relays about the human body, First Nations People, animals, emotions, growth mindset to name a few topics Parent, 4 year old, Class of 2023

What is a sessional kindergarten?

Sessional kindergartens are not-for-profit organisations that provide early childhood education for three to five-year-olds. This critical education forms the basis of your child’s learning journey from 3 to 4-year-old kindergarten and the transition to primary school.

Being a not-for-profit means that surplus funds are invested back into the kindergarten to purchase new equipment and resources or upskill our teaching staff. Each family has unique educational and care needs. There are different types of kindergarten programs to meet these needs. Some families choose to enrol their child in a sessional kindergarten or a kinder program within a long day care setting, while some families may access a mix of sessional kinder and long day care.

Benefits to your child of NBK’s sessional kindergarten program

  • Your child is set up for a successful transition to Prep/Foundation year with our structured play-based learning programs and our close relationships with local primary schools.

  • Enhanced learning outcomes are promoted by consistency of staff, allowing children to build meaningful relationships with trusted and familiar adults.

  • Experienced tertiary-qualified and certified practitioner staff who are committed to professional development on contemporary pedagogy and research.

  • Each child’s needs are considered by signficant planning time by staff to plan the design and delivery of the curriculum.

  • A dedicated Educational Leader inspires, motivates and guides the teaching team along a path of continuous improvement.

  • A consistent peer group, similar to that of school, allows children to form strong friendships and networks and promotes social and emotional development

  • Improved outcomes for children and their families, from opportunities for parents and carers to participate in in their child’s education, to a parent-led Committee of Management nurturing close working relationships between families and teachers.

  • We provide above the required teacher to children ratio in our 3yo program (1:7 rather than 1:11) for the year and in 1st term for our 4yo program. This supports children to feel safe and secure in their new learning environment and allows the teaching staff to get to know each child from Day 1.

Get in Touch

For help with enrolments, please contact our Enrolments Officer nbkenrolments@gmail.com