Fees and Free Kinder
In 2024 North Brighton Kindergarten has agreed to participate in the Victorian Government’s “Free Kinder” scheme. This means no ‘fees’ are due to attend a funded kinder program. Participation in the “Free Kinder” scheme in future years is not guaranteed and will depend on the financial situation of the kinder.
There is a gap in the government’s funding and the cost of our program.
We request all families make a one-off voluntary contribution of $550 per child for the 2024 year, or $137.50 per term to support the delivery of our high quality program.
$100 enrolment application payment. This payment must be paid to secure your child’s spot at NBK.
EXTRA DAY: Wattle 4yo and Banksia 3yo, Friday 7.5 hours, $115 per day. Concession card rate not available for this group. This fee is due to be paid prior to the start of each term.
Excursions are not covered under the “Free Kindergarten” initiative and will be charged at cost price to each family.
Families with a Pension Card or Refugee status receive 15 hours free kinder and are charged no other expenses. Kindergarten Fee Subsidy
Please refer to our full fee Policy which can be found here
fee payment
Fee payment agreements set out your responsibilities and are signed by all families at the beginning of the year.
If timely payment is causing difficulty, please contact our bookkeeper on nbk.bookkeeper145@gmail.com or the President nbkpresident@gmail.com
Get in Touch
For help with enrolments, please contact our Enrolments Officer nbkenrolments@gmail.com